In 2015 I wrote the following words and I am bringing them back around in April of 2020 because the time seems like now to fully take them in.


A good first step to reclaiming your wildness is the acceptance of this truth–everything we think is ‘not wild’ is. You are already a wild creature living in a wild world.

Not only is the earth wild, but so is the universe at large and so are we.  Even the things we think of as ‘man-made’–even all our plastics and metals and chemicals–these all originally come from the natural world.  There is nothing that we have that the wild didn’t put forth, there is nothing we know that she hasn’t given us. And the giant ‘man-made’ cities, the buildings, the cars, the streets, the factories, the trash, are all derived from her and form just a very thin layer obfuscating certain parts of the planet. 

Over the last few centuries we thought science was the absolute answer to everything and now the more we learn about physics and the universe the more miraculous the world and our existence as science describes it really seems to be.

We’ve created layers and layers of illusion in order to see and feel ourselves as in control and dominating the wildness of our planet just as we erect layers and layers of illusion to see and feel ourselves in control of our wild selves. But deep down we know, something natural could wipe us out in a second.  We are just tiny creatures moving about on a small but beautiful blue-green planet in a limitless universe.  Yes, we affect the earth, we are changing her everyday, but what we’ve been doing to her is nothing compared to what she could do to us.

We are not in control.

We are in relationship.

And that is ok.

In fact, that is a relief.

EARTHLING is a chance to connect to the earth, listen to the animal world, the plant world, the mineral world and awaken to yourself as a natural being. $5 for instant download, included for Streamers.


The Gaia Theory, which hypothesizes that our planet is a living entity, comprised of organic beings and their inorganic surroundings, suggests that our earth is a living creature herself.

Let’s to take that idea one step further.  That the earth is not only a living being herself, but that she is sentient and knows we are here.

We are in a profound two-way relationship with her, but we act like she’s not an entity in her own right, just a store-house of raw materials and territory for us to use according to our short-sighted whims.

However, experientially, I know there is more to it than that. Time after time, I have had experiences meditating on the beach or surrounded by trees or in the desert or on a mountain or by a stream or just looking up into the sky in the middle of the city and I knew, I knew she knew I was there.

She felt my presence, she witnessed my breathing, she sent a breeze or a bird or a deer or a coyote or snake to come say ‘hello’ and communicate with me.

So I know she is alive, with her own wise and gorgeous kind of consciousness and I know she knows when we show up to be with her wholeheartedly and anytime we do that she showers us with gifts.

I lay it all out on the way things really are with us and nature on the NATURE EPISODE (free). This is not a meditation so fine to listen to while you are doing some other activity.



Very often we talk about how we are ‘ruining the earth’.  That this is the big issue.

Not true.


What we are really afraid of, and what we really should be truthful about is that we are not ruining the earth, we are ruining the earth as something that can sustain us.  Truthfully, we are ruining ourselves, our children, our species and many other species.  But we are not ‘destroying the earth’, only the earth as we know it.

This is easy to gloss over if you really commit to that illusion that we are separate little entities with no connection to anything other than our own loved ones and friends.  But really, deep down, every time we desecrate her we are really only hurting ourselves.  Because, no matter how we change the face of her, the surface, the weather, to the point we disappear, the truth is, even if we are gone, she will go on, recover in a new way, humanless, changed by our presence but she will remain and evolve something new.

So let’s be honest and admit that this well-intentioned, but troublesome idea of ‘sustainability’ i.e. just changing things a little bit so we can go on in with the same, controlling, hierarchical, non-listening, non-magical mindset is based not on any altruistic feelings towards the planet that nourishes and sustains us all, but just a selfish idea that we put forth to save or soothe ourselves.

And then from there, maybe we can move to a new paradigm of regeneration, that together, the natural world and the world of man can come together in a new inclusive, healthy, regenerative way.  All for one and one for all.

LANDING is 8 minutes to a big-time connective moment between you and the planet that nourishes and sustains us all (free).



There are many people, right now, as I am writing this and you are reading this, accessing their scientific knowledge and ingenuity and care and concern for our world working to save the earth, to find new ways to do things so we become not only the ones who want to create sustainability, but actually are willing and able to create regeneration of our natural systems.

And many of us laypeople may think, well, I’m not a scientist, I am not a policy maker, and I don’t control any aspect of the system that is destroying the earth, there is nothing I can do.


Not true.

There is something all of us can do, and it may end up mattering more than we can even imagine.

We all can, we all should, go to the earth, lay on her, look at her atmosphere, her plants, her weather, her animals and LISTEN. We should take our parents, our children, our lovers and our friends and together go to her, lay down on her, press our bodies against her and breathe with her.  She will feel our love, our gratitude, our desire to repent and connect.  We can breathe, conscious of the air we share and feel her in our bones, feel ourselves as part of her, extensions of her wondrous form.

She may offer us solutions we never could have dreamt on our own. 

She may inspire us to do the small things that will lead to the big things that need to happen.

She may send over the exact ideas and actions we could enact for her to make a miraculous, harmonic recovery.

She may help us revive her.

She may miraculously heal herself.

She may miraculously help us heal ourselves.

TAURUS is a chance to move forward and discover the magical gifts offered to you by nature. $5 for instant download, included for Streamers.


“For my money, the deepest, most beautiful scientific explanation is the Gaia hypothesis, the idea that Earth’s physical and biological processes are inextricably interwoven to form a self-regulating system. This notion—the 1965 brainchild of chemist James Lovelock, further co-developed with microbiologist Lynn Margulis—proposes that air (atmosphere), water (hydrosphere), earth (geosphere or pedosphere) and life (biosphere) interact to form a single evolving system capable of maintaining environmental conditions consistent with life. . . .

“Indeed I would go so far as to suggest that this idea can help shift the human perception of nature. In the modernist perspective, the natural world is little more than a collection of virtually infinite resources available for human exploitation. The Gaian lens encourages us to re-envision Earth-bound nature as an intertwined, finite whole from which we evolved, and in which we remain fully embedded. Here, then, is a deep and beautiful perspective in desperate need of broad dissemination.”

- I’ve lost the source for this quote - I feel like it is from discussion with Curwood and Attenborough, but it’s uncharacteristically missing from my notes. To go further down this specific rabbit hole start here.


“It is at least not impossible to regard the earth's parts—soil, mountains, rivers, atmosphere etc,—as organs or parts of organs of a coordinated whole, each part with its definite function. And if we could see this whole, as a whole, through a great period of time, we might perceive not only organs with coordinated functions, but possibly also that process of consumption as replacement which in biology we call metabolism, or growth. In such case we would have all the visible attributes of a living thing, which we do not realize to be such because it is too big, and its life processes too slow.”

— Aldo Leopold