Sharing a relatively new addition to my practice - letting go WITHOUT needing to name and explain. This has been a powerful one for me - let me know in the comments if you have questions or if you can feel the magic of it too!

Join our parallel society - our secret landscape for thinking + dreaming...

“The secret is breathing.  Everyone knows that filling your lungs with oxygen is good, but not many people choose to do it...  ...Through breathing, you deepen your contact with the world around you.  An open window is a wonderful place to breathe deeply.  When you clear your lungs, you expel the old and take in the new.  The new air, of course, brings oxygen to your lungs, your bloodstream, and all the cells of your body, including your brain.  When you expel the old air, you also provide carbon dioxide for trees and plants that make oxygen for you...  ...The hardest thing to see on this incredible planet is the eternal circle of life, which is anchored by the links between sky and water, between day and night, winter and summer, O2 & CO2.  Each of those links is infinitely more solid and everlasting than you and me.  The water we drink, the food we eat, and the air we breathe are our connections to that circle.  We have many forms of spiritual strength, but physically the choices are few and simple.  If the choice you make is to breathe deeply, you can uncork the genie of your own personal power."

- Willie Nelson